PhD in Biology (Aquatic Ecology/Environmental Monitoring) - Ongoing
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Project Title: Monitoring the biodiversity of Southern Ontario with eDNA and UAV
Principal Investigators: Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed
MSc in Biology (Limnology/Phycology/Environmental Monitoring) - Mar 2021
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Project Title: Characterizing the development of cyanobacterial blooms with UAV and eDNA
Principal Investigators: Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Daniel Lefebvre

BScH with Distinction (Biology/Psychology Specialization) - June 2018
Tian, H.; Liu, J. L.; Lougheed, S. C.; Wang, Y. X. Development and validation of loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) primers for detecting invasive species in Eastern Ontario. 2022. Manuscript in progress.
Tian, H.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Y. X., Lougheed, S. C. A novel, low-cost method for measuring
chlorophyll-a from eDNA extraction waste. 2022. Manuscript in progress.
Tournayre, O.; Tian, H.; Maracle, S.; Lougheed, S. C. Queen's University Environmental DNA Workshop – Manual. 2022. In review.
Chen, Y.; Tournayre, O.; Tian, H.; Lougheed, S. C. Breeding phenology of a threatened frog species using eDNA and automatic acoustic monitoring. PeerJ. 2022. Pending revisions.
Tian, H. (eds). 52nd Ontario Ecology, Ethology, & Evolution Colloquium Proceedings. 2022.
Conference proceedings.
Tian, H.*; Jin, J.; Chen, B.; Lefebvre, D. D.; Lougheed, S. C.; Wang, Y. X. Depth-dependent
spatiotemporal dynamics of overwintering pelagic Microcystis in a temperate water
body. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1718.
Conference Presentations
River Symposium - Oct 2022
Hosted by the St. Lawrence River Institute, in Cornwall, Ontario
Oral Presentation: Loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) primers for the rapid
detection of 12 invasive species in Eastern Ontario

Canadian Herpetology Society Annual Conference - Sept 2022
Hosted by the Canadian Herpetological Society, in Fredericton, New Brunswick
Oral Presentation: Using droplet digital PCR to assess breeding phenology in chorus frogs in Ontario
Biology Graduate Research Symposium - Sept 2022
Hosted by the Department of Biology, Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario
Poster Presentation: Surveying all aquatic biodiversity at once using an environmental
DNA approach
Lake and Trails Festival - July 2022
Hosted by and in the Township of Sydenham, Ontario
Poster Presentation: Surveying aquatic biodiversity in South Frontenac County using
environmental DNA
Queen's University Biological Station Open House - June 2022
Hosted by the Queen's University Biological Station, in Perth, Ontario
Poster Presentations (2): Surveying all aquatic biodiversity at once using an
environmental DNA approach; Revealing chorus frog breeding phenology using eDNA
and acoustic monitoring techniques
Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium - May 2022
Hosted by me, in Kingston, Ontario
Poster Presentation: Developing novel citizen science protocols for environmental DNA based biodiversity surveys
Queen's University Biological Station Open House - June 2021
Hosted by the Queen's University Biological Station, in Perth, Ontario
Poster Presentations (2): Surveying all aquatic biodiversity at once using an
environmental DNA approach; Revealing chorus frog breeding phenology using eDNA
and acoustic monitoring techniques
Fulford Water Symposium - Feb 2021
Hosted by the Queen's University Biological Station and University of West Indies, over Zoom
Oral Presentation: Early detection of toxic algal blooms using unmanned aerial vehicles
Limnology Seminar Series - Sept 2020
Hosted by the Department of Biology, Queen's University, over Zoom
Oral Presentation: Characterizing the biotic and abiotic predictors of cyanoHABs with environmental DNA and UAV imaging
Lake Links 18th Annual Workshop - Oct 2019
Hosted by Watersheds Canada in Perth, Ontario
Poster Presentation: Monitoring Blue-Green Algae in Dog and Cranberry Lake with UAV and Water Sampling
Lower Cataraqui Water Quality Workshop - June 2019
Hosted by the Young Lab, University of Ottawa in Perth, Ontario
Panelist/Roundtable discussion participant
River Institute 26th Annual Symposium - May 2019
Hosted by the St. Lawrence River Institute in Cornwall, Ontario
Roundtable discussion participant
Interdisciplinary Freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop - Apr 2019
Hosted in Toronto, Canada
Poster Presentation: Characterizing the early development of cyanobacterial algal blooms in small freshwater bodies through high temporal frequency eDNA and photogrammetric analysis with UAV
Biology Graduate Research Symposium - Mar 2019
Hosted by the Department of Biology, Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario
Oral Presentation: Characterizing cyanobacterial bloom development through consumer-grade UAV imaging and water sampling
Poster Presentation: Monitoring cyanoHABs with low cost UAV and RGB imaging

Grants and awards
Ontario Graduate Scholarship ($15,000) - May 2022 to Ongoing
Province of Ontario
Merit based scholarship for postgraduate studies

Lake Ecosystem Grant ($10,500) - Jan 2022 to Ongoing
County of South Frontenac
Research grant in collaboration with the Queen's University Biological Station, for
monitoring biodiversity in lakes in South Frontenac County, Ontario
Graduate Inclusivity Fellowship ($1000/$2000) - Sept 2020 to Ongoing
Queen's University
Fellowship for improving inclusivity and graduate student representation at Queen's University
CSEE Regional Conference Grant ($500) - Mar 2022
Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
For the Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2022
Scientific Meeting and Sustainable Conferencing Grant ($4,500) - Mar 2022
The Company of Biologists
For the Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2022
Ages Foundation Scholarship ($5000) - Aug 2021
Rare Charitable Nature Reserve
For citizen science environmental DNA research
Principal's Student Initiatives Fund ($1000/$1000) - Dec 2020/Mar 2022
Queen's University
For outreach within the Queen's Biology Department and the Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2022
Inclusive Community Fund ($2500) - Dec 2020
Queen's University
For improving inclusivity and diversity in the Queen's Biology Department
School of Graduate Studies Student Initiatives Fund ($500) - Dec 2020
Queen's University
For outreach within the Queen's Biology Department
NSERC-USRA ($4500) - May 2015
Queen's University
Undergraduate summer research award
Queen's University Environmental DNA Workshop - July 2022
Queen's University
Course developer and logistics coordinator. I developed this workshop together with Dr. Stephen Lougheed, Dr. Yuxiang Wang, Dr. Orianne Tournayre, and fellow PhD student Stafford Maracle as part of Queen's University's new micro-credentials program. It is the first practicum based workshop of its kind on the emerging field of Environmental DNA. We collaborated with two notable scientists in the field, Dr. Robert Hanner (University of Guelph) and Dr. Elizabeth Clare (York University), and the company Bio-Rad to make this happen. I organized the logistics of this course.
Experimental Approaches to Animal Physiology (BIOL 401) - Sept 2018 to Ongoing
Dr. Yuxiang Wang, Queen's University
Logistical Coordinator. I have been teaching this course for four years now (2022/2023 will be the fifth. During this time, I have gone from assisting with grading to handling all course logistics, much of the procurement, lab module design, and syllabus. I now handle all student communications and feedback.

Environmental Physiology of Animals (BIOL 322) - Jan 2021 to Ongoing
Dr. Yuxiang Wang, Dr. Barry Madison, Queen's University
Grading TA

Introductory Biology of Cells (BIOL 102) - Jan 2021 to April 2021
Dr. Kenton Ko, Queen's University
Tutorial TA

Mendelian and Molecular Genetics (BIOL 111) - May 2020 to Aug 2020
Dr. Laura Nagel, Queen's University
Tutorial TA

GIS & Spatial Analysis (ENVS 4010U) - Nov 2020
Dr. Robert Bailey, Ontario Tech University
Guest lecturer: UAV workflow and project design. I was invited to give this lecture on the applications of UAV in GIS workflows back in 2022.

Mendelian and Molecular Genetics (BIOL 205/206) - Sept 2018 to Ongoing
Dr. Ian Chin-Sang, Queen's University
Tutorial/Lab TA, Admin TA

QUBS Canada-China Exchange Field Course (BIOL 307/317) - July 2019 to Aug 2019
Dr. Yuxiang Wang and Dr. Stephen Lougheed, Queen's University
Logistics TA

General Chemistry (CHEM 112) - Jan 2019 to Apr 2019
Dr. Michael Mombourquette, Queen's University
Lead Lab TA

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